Friday, January 19, 2007

Hello again

Hi there! lots and lots has happened (of course) since my last installment.
Rather than type too much, I'll try and show you with that miracle of photography:
These are various photos from the Christmas Holidays. We stayed in Ghana and my mom and Sherrie's brother Paul came over to spend the holidays with us. We rented an SUV and took it north to Mole (Mow-Lay) National park to see the elephants, and then we went to our favourite beach, Anomabo, for a few days. All in all it was a lovely holiday. Sadly, our little puppy, Zi Zi, died on the first day of the holidays. She had been ill for months. We think she may have eaten some poison.
Oh yeah... did I mention that our own car broke down like four times on that trip to Anomabo? Good thing we rented when we went up north.
As you can see, Sadie's getting bigger. She's such a happy little thing - always smiling. It's nice.
Want some more? Have a look:

The pictures below and left are from Champs, a pub we go to from time to time. Thursday quiz night is a riot.

Sherrie' s brother Paul.

Here's Erin's Christmas concert performance