Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sherrie and I both volunteered at the Powow this year. It was quite spectacular! Our neighbour, Dennis, is the main organizer of it. Here are some photos:

Sherrie took this trip while at work.

This is what we did on Fathers' Day morning - My idea. It was lovely.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lots going on lately...
  • We're getting ready to have a lawn (a big deal actually - we need the path, the grass, the landscaping...)
  • We're getting ready for Erin's birthday - it'll be at the playground on our street. We'll be running games and activities there and carting the refreshments over there.
  • We're starting to talk about the flights to Ontario for the summer (we fly in two weeks!)
  • We're volunteering at the annual Peace River powow this weekend
  • I'm trying to finish the books, and Sherrie's as busy as always traveling to schools around northern Alberta
  • The sun is always up and we're staying up later because of it - it's making us sleepier in the day
  • Many activities for the girls towards the end of school - lots of field trips and sports days and such.
Here are some photos:

Z's getting bigger

This is the tree that Jim put in our shipment, at our request. It basically looked dead as a doornail when it arrived in the truck, but I planted it anyway. It looked like a dead tree when the snow came. It stayed out in our yard, in the terribly cold winter, without any cover or protection (give me a break - the snow came so quickly and covered it!). It sat all spring and never sprouted even a bud, and the dog and the neighbour's dog kept chewing on it. Then, just about two weeks ago, KABOOM! leaves and buds. I'm so happy - I water it every day. I hope it'll be ok while we're gone in July.

Erin accompanied Sadie and I to the reading time at the library one Friday when she had a P.D. day. We learned about Rapunzel and the girls made their own princess hats afterwards.

Amy got her T ball uniform. It's really very classy, kind of nostalgic. I totally want one of the hats. by the way: Today at T Ball Amy hit consistently very well - consecutive non- stop base hits. Her best yet.

The tradition at Springfield (Amy and Erin's school) is to open sports day with a 'boat race'. Each family makes a boat (can be anything really) out of cardboard boxes and the kids run with them. Here are some photos of our Imperial Star Destroyer. It was kind of difficult to run with, but boy did it get a lot of compliments! Each grade had a race, so both girls got to run with it.

More rock balancing.

Sherrie still reads to the girls before bed each night (when she's in town - otherwise the kids are stuck with me). It's wonderful seeing them yawning on the sofa in their cute little jammies.

We attended a teddybear picnic at the school the other week. This is Erin having fun there.

That's all for now. Sadie and I are going biking.