Sunday, May 02, 2010

Springtime in Peace River

That's our house.

The grand finale at the gymnastics annual gala event.

Sherrie and Amy went on a nature hike to make dolls from the things they found. This is Sherrie's.

This is Sadie and Sky. She's my friend's daughter - they have a lovely acreage outside of town.

Jim and Bev had their first visit to Peace River!

Sherrie is so creative when she bakes. Those are Easter cookies.

The first life to emerge in the spring around here - if you walk along the melting ice at the river's edge in early April, you'll find hundreds - no - thousands - of these little bugs emerging from the cracks in the ice! It's so intriguing to watch insects crawling on snow.

The girls went to the dentist... That's Sadie helping out.

Have you ever been along the banks of a northern river when all of the ice is melting? It's the most amazing thing! The ice breaks into these long vertical shards, much like the kryptonite in the old Superman movie. When you stomp on a big slab of ice, it shatters into these beautiful wonderous pieces - And it sounds like the most beautiful angelic choirs as it breaks.

We have always and always will love lego.

The girls are all done gymnastics for the year - They'll return to it in the fall. This is Sadie getting her medal.

Paul Came for a visit!

Z is one chill dog. He's very affectionate. If only I could train him to howl when I'm playing the blues...