Friday, May 18, 2007

Hi again

May 18 2007

Wow I'm not good at updating this thing often enough. By the time I get here, there's too much that has happened and I don't remember half of it to report it to you! I'll just put in a bunch of photos again:

Erin with our new bunny, Scruffy. He's a good rabbit. He likes apples and lettuce and spagetti
Sadie in a makeshift car - she loves getting pulled around in it. She's walking well now and has 5 (I think) teeth
The girls in Togo, outside of a supermarket. We were picking up some things after swimming at the club pool. Hence the wet hair.

Some village boys at the beach where I (ahem) surf. That's my board, no, not the plank - the white one. The plank is what many of them use for bodyboarding with. I let one of the older ones try my board.

Usif helping Sadie on the tricycle. He's so good with her - She just loves him too.
That's Amy waving at the camera, I'm sure much to the chagrin of her teacher, who is trying to read them a story. Sorry.

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