Friday, October 03, 2008

October 2008: Peace River Diary

Amy and Erin helping the lady at the check - in
On the coolest teeter-totter we've ever seen!

We've been here four nights now and are enjoying Peace River immensley.  What a nice place!  One of our bags was misdirected to Halifax, but other than that it was a very enjoyable trip.  The drive was a great experience too - The first things we noticed driving up from Edmonton were:
  • The huge amount of bugs hitting our windshield
  • The size and deluxeness of the farms and barns
  • The number of pickup trucks on the road - big ones too
  • (happily) how Canadian it all was!  It's the least alien place we've ever moved to!  Lovely.  
Peace River itself is in a valley, and so there's this thick fog every morning which takes getting used to.  It's quite spectacualr when it's rising.
We're staying in a hotel with two bedrooms, but it's still not much space and it's costing a lot.  We spent days two and three looking at houses (Sherrie set up the appointments before we arrived) and after seeing ten or so houses, there were no more to look at in our price range.  The good news is that we've found one that we really love and are excited about.  The outside is kind of boring looking and the yard needs some landscaping, but the inside is deluxe and spacious, with newly made kitchen and renovated throughout.  I don't have a photo yet, but will get one up soon.  The owners accepted our second offer so it's just up to the inspection and stuff and then we'll be moving in after a week or two.  
It's a short walk from a nice playground and it's in a nice neighbourhood with friendly people all around.   It's about a ten to twelve minute drive to work and school (actually about as far as possible in this town from there!)
Amy's first day of school was yesterday, and Erin's is today.  They're both in French immersion at Sprinfield Elementary School.  It's very nice!  
Well, I've got to go get the girls ready for school now.  Will write more soon

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