Monday, November 17, 2008


Hi everybody
It's still snowing, has been all day.  I'm loving it!
I even shoveled the neighbour's place today after doing ours because I was enjoying it so.  Sure, that will wear off, but one must enjoy the snow while the novelty lasts.
Amy gets home via school bus at around 4:15.  We pick up Sherrie at about 4:45.  The town's best tobogganing hill is right by Sherrie's work, a ten minute drive from our house.  Are you seeing what I'm seeing?  The girls and I tried it out today, and it worked.  I'm thinking that we'll do a lot more tobogganing this winter.

I also visited the ski hill today and got the forms for our family pass.  Looks like the Koses are going to be outside a lot this winter.

Oh, and Sadie and I went to the toy library's playday today.  That happens every Monday and Wednesday.  We'll be going back on Wednesday for sure - it was excellent.  There's even a few sofas and free coffee for the parents.  Sadie absolutely loved it, and her favourite part was the sing song at the end.  She enjoyed incy wincy spider and wheels on the bus, but her hands down favourite was head and shoulders (knees and toes).  I was really enjoying the spider song.  Not much else to report, but lots of deer tracks on our lawn today.  They must come very late at night.  Oh - I really love watching UFC as well.  We Canadians really have it good.  

Here's Sadie at the toy library.

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