Saturday, November 15, 2008


What a lovely day we have been having so far...
We got up and had pancakes and eggs and waffles for brekkie, then put on our snow suits and went tobogganing!
The girls enjoyed the little hill, but started getting fed up shortly after being at the big hill (about a ten minute drive from the little hill)  Amy was such a trooper - the big hill is really quite big, and she went straight to the top and bombed down it a few times.  She fell at the bottom each time, which started to make her a bit sensitive, so I took her with me and Sadie in the big toboggan.  Erin really didn't like the big hill, but went down with Sherrie a few times (just from half way up).  Sadie and I enjoyed the big hill but she was getting hungry.  So then we went to MacDonalds for lunch.  

These photos are all from the little hill, when everyone was still very happy.
The big hill was pretty intense and required all of my attention, so I couldn't take photos.  I even wore my gloves on the big hill.

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