Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas Time has Begun

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here... Sherrie and I put up our lights on the house this weekend, the girls decorated the tree, and we went to the Santa Claus Parade!
All in all it was a lovely weekend.  Here are some photos:

Erin really enjoyed decorating the tree this year, as did Amy.  I'm so glad, because in previous years they weren't as into it as I was hoping they'd be.  I guess they were too young.  It was very beautiful watching them decorate it this time.    That's the same old little tree that we've always had, in Hong Kong and Ghana.  Sherrie and her roommate bought it in '94 I think.  I kind of want a big real one, but there's a definite attachment to this one for us.  

Most of my shots from the parade are blurry, but these two give you a good idea of what it was like:  bright, cheery, and COLD!

As far as parades go, this one was kind of small, but it was packed with cool stuff to watch like horses and fire trucks, costumed characters and ATVs.  The kids had a blast.  Many of the parade participants were handing out candies too, and our girls scored many.

This is a view of our neighbourhood, called Lower West, from across the river.  That's the ski hill behind it.  We're on the opposite side of the River than the downtown area.

And this is just a spectacular view looking in the other direction, that I had to photograph.  I'm buying a kayak when I get some cash so I can go exploring.  

Here are a few extra photos, just because I feel like it:

Sadie at Nana's House this Summer, when we first got back from Ghana.  I bought that hat on top of a mountain in Ghana from a village man for two dollars.  Love that hat.

Amy at the hospital this summer.  We ended up spending three nights there, about two weeks before moving to Alberta.   
At the cottage in the rain.

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