Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Congratulations Sonja and Mike!

She has arrived!  The beautiful young newest Kos was born at 9:26 pm on the 22nd, just a couple of days ago.  Both mom and baby are doing fine.  As she was three weeks premature and delivered by C section, the beautiful bundle is in the intensive care for a short while.  This means that mom and dad have not really gotten to hold her much and figure out her name.  I've been assured that a name will be coming very soon, and then I'll let you all know.  
Cute, though, isn't she?
And hey - check out the guy in the shower cap - what a dork! (just kidding Mike-I love you man)

I think she looks like me.  tee hee.

Also in the news...

Sadie seems to be quite the popular girl at the toy library these days.  I could throw in an inuendo about which one of them is going to be a doctor, but it doesn't seem right just now.  

Erin has gone to school with her face painted a couple of times in teh past week or so.  She really likes it.  I call this one 'waiting for spring'.
And skating lessons are coming to a close - below are photos of the girls with their medals.  The gala is on Saturday - Amy's performing to a medley of hits from the forties and Erin's skating to 'Bettie Davis Eyes' from the eighties - can't for the life of me remember who sang it.  
Here they are at the awards ceremony and pizza party with their new medals.  I'm so proud!

This is Erin with her instructor, one of the assistant coaches.  She completed level 1!

Amy got her level 2!
Not bad coming from West Africa if you ask me.

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