Sunday, March 01, 2009

Ok I'm falling behind here.   Let's see, in the time between the last posting, my brother Mike got married (!), my neice had a birthday, and we did lots of cool things here.  I can't really remember them all, but here are a few photos:

This is at the big pond hockey tournament.  It's really much bigger than my pitiful photos let on.  There are about twenty rinks on a frozen lake and there are many teams all playing for an entire weekend.  It's really quite spectacular to see - unfortunately it was pretty cold and I didn't think to pack the girls' snowpants, so we didn't last there too long.  
Sadie and I had a lovely stroll around the rinks while Amy and Erin hung in the big tents having hot chocolate.  
I really wish I had better photos.  It was a remarkable thing to see.  Maybe next year.  

We went to the dentist too.  Sorry I didn't get a photo of Erin, but here are the three that I did take:

Sadie was happy that they supplied sunglasses.

This is a film taken by Sherrie on a typical day at work.  Wow!

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