Sunday, April 26, 2009

This one's for Marylin!

Hi Auntie Marylin
I heard you liked the picture of Sadie eating grilled cheese and that you were bummed that it's no longer the title shot.  So, just because I love you and just because I'm too lazy to go get the cable to upload new photos from my camera, here is the entire photo shoot.  Enjoy:

By the way, we went for a lovely hike this weekend and I will be putting photos from that up soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sadie's Three!

Sadie is now three.  She's been waiting a long time to say that, and now she says it often.  This is her walking with us on her birthday by the river.  

This is Sadie on the phone with Gran, after the walk, on her birthday.  

Thanks for the bath stickies, Sebastian!  She loves them!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We're having an excellent holiday so far!

The biggest thing so far is that we got a new puppy.  We had chosen a female black lab named J.Z. (Junior Zoe - Zoe is the mom's name) but when we went to pick her up we learned that she had been stolen.  So we brought home a boy puppy. 
 UPDATE (added the next day):  The owners of the litter just phoned me last night, and told me that the two puppies that went missing have been returned!  they were on their doorstep in the morning.  Weird.  Well, I'm still very happy to have Z.  He's great - very chill, loves to nap, does his business outside AND is a boy - I'm less outnumbered now.  

Introducing our new dog, Z ('Zee'):

We decorated Easter eggs at home.

All the eggs in one basket:

We spent a couple days at the West Edmonton Mall.  We saw Monsters versus Aliens in 3D at the Imax theatre, spent a day at the wave pool, and Amy made a teddy bear.  

Here we are in the jacuzzi of the 'Ice Room' at FantasyLand Hotel.
Touie (Sadie's rat), Howard (Amy's female bear), and Tiger (Erin's lion):


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Skating Gala videos

As promised, here are some vids from the skating gala.  

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

For some reason I only have pictures of Erin's group from the skating gala.  I know I have video of Amy's too, as well as videos of the best parts of the entire gala, which I'll be putting up soon once the camera is charged.  So here are some photos of Erin's group - they skated to "Bettie Davis Eyes".  

I know Sherrie's got some photos of Amy's group in her camera - She's left that at work.  I'll get them up soon.  
This is Erin and Amy on the path along the river.  Amy's on the roller blades, Erin's on the bike.  I'll work on getting the training wheels off this spring.  

The ridge above our neighbourhood is a lovely place to walk.  Here are some shots from it.

Like I said, I'll be putting the rest of the vids and photos from the skating gala up very soon, like tomorrow.  We're going to a weenie roast and final sleigh ride tomorrow after school, and on Thursday I'm going to go jam with the surf band at the studio, and then on Saturday we're going to Edmonton for a few days - we're staying in a nice hotel at the big mall.  I'll have photos of that too soon.

talk to you later.