Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We're having an excellent holiday so far!

The biggest thing so far is that we got a new puppy.  We had chosen a female black lab named J.Z. (Junior Zoe - Zoe is the mom's name) but when we went to pick her up we learned that she had been stolen.  So we brought home a boy puppy. 
 UPDATE (added the next day):  The owners of the litter just phoned me last night, and told me that the two puppies that went missing have been returned!  they were on their doorstep in the morning.  Weird.  Well, I'm still very happy to have Z.  He's great - very chill, loves to nap, does his business outside AND is a boy - I'm less outnumbered now.  

Introducing our new dog, Z ('Zee'):

We decorated Easter eggs at home.

All the eggs in one basket:

We spent a couple days at the West Edmonton Mall.  We saw Monsters versus Aliens in 3D at the Imax theatre, spent a day at the wave pool, and Amy made a teddy bear.  

Here we are in the jacuzzi of the 'Ice Room' at FantasyLand Hotel.
Touie (Sadie's rat), Howard (Amy's female bear), and Tiger (Erin's lion):

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