Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The News

Well, we had some lovely warm weather the past few days - up to thirty today!
Here are some shots from the past little while:

This was taken today - it's of Z and his best friend, Zeiss, playing in the river. They really wear each other out. It's great when they meet up while on a walk. Z's sleeping really hard right now.

This was taken on Monday night in the basement of the Anglican church. It's the Brownies and Sparks meeting. Can you see Amy and Erin? neither can I but they're there somewhere. The funny thing is that Sadie is in plain view and she's not even enrolled! They let her hang out and do the songs and games and stuff too. We usually go run errands for a while when we're waiting for the girls to finish. Hardly anyone has a uniform yet - they're on order.

On the weekend I was making raviolli and Erin decided to give me a hand. The result was a bountiful portion of cheese- filled kids' sized raviollis that she happily shared with her sisters. They loved it! It was really fun, like playing with play dough. I highly recommend doing it with your kids. (Ours was pretty good too - it had beef, onions and blue cheese filling)

Amy's in gymnastics now - She absolutely loves it. Sadie starts in October. Erin would rather do figure skating again this year, so that's where she'll be.

And here are some videos!:

This is Paul being goofy after the girls dressed him up. What a ham!

Sadie at our friends' place

Z fetching while Sadie plays in the sand. This was taken YESTERDAY!! September 22nd! What a beautiful day it was.

More has been going on - I was the guest speaker at the girls' school last Friday and am now a celebrity to a whole bunch of little kids. After the assembly I led Erin's class in painting a mural.
I'll be going in again because Amy's class is kind of jealous.

Sadie's going to Preschool tomorrow! She's been enrolled in one day a week at the French preschool. I'll be sure and take a few shots to post here.

Well, that's all for now - I'm going to get more frequent at posting soon, so stay tuned!

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