Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Morning

And I'm just sitting in the living room having a coffee. No photos to put up this time, just thought I'd touch base with anyone out there reading. Does anyone read this? Is anyone out there? Comment if you are, please - I'd love to know if anyone reads this thing.

Here is what's going on so far this week:

  • The snow's gone and it's quite nice out - beautiful autumn weather, with the nice smells and the lovely temperature.
  • Amy and Erin went to 'Witches in the Woods' camp with the Brownies/Sparks yesterday. They had a great time, but a long long day. They were exhausted when they got back. Sherrie and Sadie went to join them at the campfire at 7pm and then they got home at 8:30 and went straight to bed.
  • Sadie's got a bit of a cold, but not serious.
  • Sherrie's going away today (Sunday) to Edmonton for a whole week! It'll just be me and the girls until Saturday.
  • Everything else is chugging along. Sadie's learning her colours in French and Erin is now in gymnastics with Amy. Sadie goes to gymnastics too, on Wednesday mornings.
I think that's it for now. Take care.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Winter's Here!

It's only mid October and it's comin' down hard! Though I am well aware that we're supposed to expect this living where we are living, the locals assure me that it's not supposed to happen this early. Sigh.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend. Stayed in most of the time, playing games, decorating pumpkins, doing crafts, watching movies and relaxing. The turkey dinner was great (both nights) but the highlight for me was Sherrie's pumpkin cheesecake. MMMMMMM!

The river's getting very cold now. That's ice that Z's running on. This was taken this morning.

This is what the van looks like when we travel. Z likes to sit up on the seats with the girls.

I got a new filling.

This is a photo of Sadie on her first day of school! She's going to French preschool every Thursday.

And we already had our first field trip too. We went to one of the kids' homes and they got to ride on some horses and have trailer rides, hot chocolate and such. It was fun!