Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Morning

And I'm just sitting in the living room having a coffee. No photos to put up this time, just thought I'd touch base with anyone out there reading. Does anyone read this? Is anyone out there? Comment if you are, please - I'd love to know if anyone reads this thing.

Here is what's going on so far this week:

  • The snow's gone and it's quite nice out - beautiful autumn weather, with the nice smells and the lovely temperature.
  • Amy and Erin went to 'Witches in the Woods' camp with the Brownies/Sparks yesterday. They had a great time, but a long long day. They were exhausted when they got back. Sherrie and Sadie went to join them at the campfire at 7pm and then they got home at 8:30 and went straight to bed.
  • Sadie's got a bit of a cold, but not serious.
  • Sherrie's going away today (Sunday) to Edmonton for a whole week! It'll just be me and the girls until Saturday.
  • Everything else is chugging along. Sadie's learning her colours in French and Erin is now in gymnastics with Amy. Sadie goes to gymnastics too, on Wednesday mornings.
I think that's it for now. Take care.

1 comment:

Ariana Botha said...

You could have taken a photo of your cup of coffee....;)