Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sorry - no photos today.
I've been a bit out of the picture, so to speak, lately and haven't been up to taking many photos. I've had surgery, you see; Four procedures to be specific, all to do with improving my breathing and letting me sleep better at night, get more oxygen, and hopefully reducing my blood pressure. So far so good; I'm recovering well, have even lost some weight and am definitely breathing better, though my right nostril is still quite stuffy - the doctor tells me that is due to the cold I've got. My blood pressure has been lower, but that could be because of the meds I've been on after surgery. I've got my doc's permission to try abstaining from my blood pressure pills to see how it goes and I'll be sure to keep you informed. Keep your fingers crossed! I'm hopeful that all will be well in about a week. The nasal rinses are really quite enjoyable, once you get over looking at so much blood and mucus coming out of your nose...

The girls are great, and are doing very well. Erin's got a bit of a cold, but not too bad. They were absolute angels with one another while I was in recovery and helped take care of each other when I was a bit out of it. Sherrie's been to Calgary last weekend and again this week for three days. It's the first she's been on the road since before the holidays. They especially enjoy going to Brownies and Sparks on Monday nights and gymnastics on Wednesdays. School is going well, and I'm going in every Friday this month to teach painting!
Sadie's really growing up fast; she's much taller now, but still cute as anything, charming people all the time (the other day at the parent link drop-in centre, one of the moms was just chatting her up, asking her about everything. After they were done, she turned to her friend and said "I just like hearing her talk". I was tickled. )
Erin is just the little fashionista these days, modelling and experimenting with her hair all the time, and Amy's just too into her DS that she got for Christmas - at least it keeps her away from the TV! She's actually very good about putting it away when we say she's had enough, but if she could, she'd be on that thing every hour of the day.

I've finally found a band! Well, they've asked me to sit in for their guitarist who can't make the next gig, but it sure is nice to be playing with real people again! It's largely a cover band, with a few originals, mostly country and rock. A very good outlet for me.
Sherrie's doing yoga on Sunday nights and Curling on Tuesday evenings. We're both happy and healthy these days. I'm still sending to publishers, and will let you know if any bites happen.

That's all for now - I'll have photos next time. Take care.

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