Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At long last - another update!

Well these seem to have come out in the opposite order that I chose them, but I suppose it's all the same. Here's the news, not in chronological order:

This is how Z often sits in the car. He likes to get up on the seat and cuddle with Erin. It's always Erin - he really likes her.
Amy and I went out on Sunday morning before the others got up. We sat in Tim Hortons and wrote letters. She's not smiling here because it's so sunny. I took this from outside.

Sadie's gymnastics class. They're being little birds here, and the hoops are their nests. So cute!

We went to Edmonton for Sherrie's birthday. Here are some pics from that trip:

Amy at the water park
Sadie at the water park
The wave pool

Erin at the water park
Roller coaster
Om this one has a funny story. Turns out Sadie was just tall enough to try the go carts. No problem, says I, as the young guy running it seemed to have it all under control, and he'd be able to help Sadie out. So when it's finally her turn to get strapped in, over comes this older gentleman who doesn't look as energetic as the younger guy. He was replacing him on his shift. So in gets Sadie, and the older gentleman instructs her on how to drive. What a laugh. She got it, but man oh man did she ever not get the finer points of driving. She basically could accelerate, and could stop, but steering was a bit of a problem. She kept crashing! Every time she'd go by, the girls and I would wave to her, and she'd wave back, then we'd hear a thud or a crash, and the poor old fellow would go running by in her direction, to straighten her out. This kept happening over and over and over again: Sadie'd drive by waving, then the crash sound, then the guy would run over to where she was. Over and over again! It was hilarious - like a cartoon.

The bumper cars were a real hit with the girls.
Amy's favourite was the big swinging ship. You can see that there weren't too many people at the fun park when we were there.
This is the girls outside of the Royal Alberta Museum. They had a lovely time there.

This is at the pool at the hotel. The girls had a blast playing mermaids in the pool.

There was a big potluck banquet for all of the girl guides and their families for Baden Powell's and Mrs. Powell's birthday. That's not a real fire in the middle, but it was a pretty cool way to have a campfire indoors.

We still like going for hikes.

Sadie and I took Sherrie out for lunch on her birthday.
Lovely Sherrie.
This is Amy and Sadie getting ready to go down a mighty steep toboggan hill at my friend's house. Amy has nerves of steel man! I was totally afraid to go down myself, and she was doing it head first and was the first to go down too.

My beautiful guitars at a gig I was playing in.

Sadie at Erin and Amy's school. When I go, she goes, and I was teaching a painting class for one day a week for a month.

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