Friday, February 04, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Thought I'd give you all some photos:

I have no idea when this was, but it's not too long ago, at the playground by our place.

dinner one night when I was feeling particularly hungry.

The girls at Lake Louise.

Just thought I'd throw in an oldie: Sherrie with Amy and Erin back at our house in Sai Kung, Hong Kong. It was Chinese New Year 2004.

Erin's Halloween costume this past year.

A few friends of mine at the costume party we went to on Halloween. That's Jerome, who's in the Folk N Blues Society I started, on the left, and Ron, guitarist in the band I'm in, on the right.

Earlier in the fall, we got a kick out of 'curling' with real stones on a frozen river while walking Z. It was particularly fun throwing heavier stones and watching them embed themselves in the ice, stopping suddenly and sticking in.

Erin at West Edmonton Mall

The girls on the bumper cars at the West Edmonton Mall. We go there for mini vacations from time to time. Going again for Sherrie's Birthday! This was the first time Sadie was allowed on the bumper cars.

Two of my lovelies on a walk before the snows came.

This is neat: our carbon monoxide alarm went off, so the fire dept. came and checked out the house - turns out we just needed a new alarm. Sadie got a kick out of the fire engine, though...

Sadie's cool halloween costume.

The girls had a blast in the architecture display at the AGA (Art Gallery of Alberta) - those are giant building blocks.

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