Friday, February 04, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hi Everybody! Ok; You're about to see another posting with the same title - I sort of goofed up. Never Mind. Enjoy the photos!

Sherrie took this one on one of her work trips, I think.

Sadie enjoying cookies and hot chocolate at our friends' place - we have a weekly skating party, when the weather's permitting.

Nana visited at Christmas time, and Erin and Sadie got "Build a Bear" stuffies as their presents from her. Here are some shots of them in the shop building their new stuffies:

My mom relaxing while Sadie eats a snack

Somewhere at the West Edmonton Mall, Nana getting a kick out of how much Amy reads. The speed with which she devours books is inspiring to say the least!

The girls decorated gingerbread houses again. My geodesic dome was again a failure. Next winter I'm making a more conventional structure, but I'm sure I'll impress.

Sherrie did some baking as well...

Here's Sherrie helping Sadie skate. I even skated! I even played hockey! First time in my life.

Sherrie Sadie and I at a school assembly.

Late January saw a huge dump of snow. Here are some shots of the girls playing in it:

That fourth girl is our neighbour, Polina. She's new to the area, but has quickly befriended our girls - she's lovely!

Now if you continue down the page, you'll see the first posting I did today, with more photos.
Take care guys!

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