Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hi everybody. Just so you know, I'm working on getting some photos for another posting - can't seem to find anything new in the computer other than some shots from a professional photographer of the girls - so here's one for you. Yup, they're getting bigger.

The news, in point form:

  • a good friend here passed away two weeks ago. The funeral was lovely - and huge - people were overflowing into the basement of the Cathedral, and there was a huge party at the banquet hall afterwards. I played in bands with him, and he sort of got me my start here in PR doing that. I was in the choir band for the funeral too.
  • Sadie's riding her two-wheeler without training wheels now. It was funny - her first day practicing was just her screaming and crying the whole time. The next day she was fine, and the third day she was riding.
  • Beautiful weather here - almost all of the snow is gone around town (down at the river) but the ground's still covered at our friends' places up out of the valley.
  • Sherrie's busy as usual, not traveling this week, which is nice. She's looking into getting a masters' degree, which would mean we're staying here for a while. We're happy here.
  • I'm about to apply for substitute teaching for next year, something I can do while Sadie's at school in the mornings.
  • We're looking forward to our trip to the cottage this summer, as always. I'm going to be driving out after my concert in Athabasca. Sherrie and the girls will fly.
  • Just fixed an old broken guitar that was given to me as a thank you for fixing someone else's guitar. It's pretty nice! I'll put up photos soon.
  • Amy's doing very well at school - top of her class, I think. Her best report card ever.
  • Erin's excelling at any sport she tries; She's a natural, apparently, at skiing now. Funny, because she's the one who was most reluctant to go. Now she loves it. She's quite the rollerblader too.
  • I'm heavier than I've ever been! I thought I was losing weight, but I guess I just have to stop eating so much.

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