Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm a Newfie!

Hi again
On Sherrie's computer now, so I can put up some photos I've found:

Isn't this gorgeous? It's from a Crow I think.

That's me at the Peace River annual Newfie Screetch - a party where twelve lucky people (me included) get 'screeched in' and are therefore honorary Newfies. It involved reciting some Newfie speak, having a shot of some very strong 'screetch' and kissing a fish. Yes, you heard me. So I'm a Newfie now!

The mule deer are everywhere in the winter - that's our lawn.

Sadie loves skiing now! (this is last winter by the way)

Me and Sadie on the slopes

This is one of the towns I rode through on my way to Ontario - That brown 'mountain' behind the buildings is timber - about three stories tall! It was so impressive and novel I had to take a photo.
Another view from my drive across Canada - the lakes were picturesque and many. Z and I stopped to swim often.

Amy and Erin came with me to pick up my mom in Toronto. That's them in Matthew's apartment enjoying the view (can you see Skydome/the Rogers Center?)

Sherrie loves holding babies - Here she is with little William, Brad and Crystal's son. She loves the vomit.

Ice cream with Nana at the marina in Westport this summer

We had a couple of lovely trips to Ottawa this summer. One highlight for me was hanging out with Z while the girls went into the National Gallery. Can you see him swimming in front of the Houses of Parliament?

Nana visited last Christmas. This is her mini golfing with the girls in the West Edmonton Mall.
That's all for now - take care!

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