Friday, February 24, 2006

February 24 2006
Hi there.

First of all, this is a clean simple blog. No porn, no politics, no religion, no extreme views. Just a way for me to communicate about us to the folks at home. If you're looking for any of the above things, you can go away now.
If you're a friend of our family, please feel free to read on!

So here we are in Ghana, living in Accra. Quite a change from Hong Kong. The weather's lovely, the job is pretty good and the people are very nice. We still don't have a car, but I've finally been looking.
That's me with a soldier. soldiers are used at big soccer games to keep it peaceful. A while ago (I think it was in October) I went with a few others to the World Cup qualifier for Ghana in Kumasi. What an experience! I'm glad our team won. An absolutely huge crowd (easily over twenty thousand, maybe forty) started partying hard all over the place after the game. it was a huge mob of dancers, like a huge happy riot! I still think of how horrible it would have been had Ghana lost....

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