Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bird flu is in Nigeria, probably here too. Sherrie and the girls will be leaving on March 12 for Canada. I have very mixed feelings about that. I'm glad that they're going somewhere safer (we have chickens walking around on the street here, and our girls get really dirty on the ground when they're playing in the yard) but I'm going to miss them tremendously. It's tricky. The same thing happened when Sherrie was leaving HK to have Erin, but with SARS. Funny how things repeat like that.
We're going to be buying a car soon, but I'm waiting to hear from some staff who are leaving - that's the best deal in my opinion.
What we do for fun:
On weekends, we often go to a pool at one of the hotels. Many Obronis (whiteys) do that here. Some of our favourites are the Golden Tulip and La Palm Royale. Here's a photo:

We've been to a very nice beach resort called Anomabo as well.
The beach is pretty good, and the food is very good.
The rooms are nice, air conditioned, and simple. When you're there you can just chill on the beach or sit in the restaurant,
or go up the coast to the castles or jungle walk, etc. Here are some more photos:

Isn't the one of Erin a blast? she actually fell asleep while sitting at the table eating dinner!

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