Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Our Friends

This segment is dedicated to some of the wonderful people we know here.

They're in no particular order, and the list is far from complete. We have done so much with so many wonderful people, but I'm struggling with very few photos at this point. (my camera was stolen a few months ago)

Angela and Mike Murray and their son, Mason:

Fellow Canadians, from Saskatchewan, lived in Switzerland and Pakistan too. We spent much time with them in our first months in Ghana, as we all had so much in common (except Euchre!) The girls absolutely adore Mason. I regret that I dont have a single shot of their family - sorry.
Gillian and Kwadwo and Amy:

That's Gillian on the right and Amy on the left. Gillian teaches drama in the middle school, Amy in the primary school, and Kwadwo (pronounced Kwayjo) is a full time painter and Gillian's man. They're our close neighbours too. Amy's handsome husband is Kujo, seen below, and the little baby's name is Selly, he's their son. So cute!

Amber and Johnny:
These two met during the first week at school and haven't looked back. They're moving in together and are often found talking about the future. Amy and Erin love it when Amber pops in.

Chrissy and Ebby:
moved to Australia now, but what fun folks! We'll never forget you guys!

Matt and Micheline and Malisse:
Great friends, super helpful while we were getting settled. They were our mentors! Malisse is Amy's contemporary, and they do swimming lessons together. Thanks for lending us your car over the Christmas holidays! (that's Amber standing with Micheline) Once again, I don't have many photos in my computer right now (camera got snatched) so I'm doing the best I can here.

The Paulsons:
Rieber, Annie Hall-Paulson and their cute boy, Casey

junior, opie, you know... Yet another Canadian teacher.

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