Monday, September 04, 2006

The Kos Blog

The Kos Blog
Hi again
We're back from the summer and hopefully I'll devote more effort to making this blog thing work. The weather's unseasonably cool and dry; so much so, in fact, that they've called for a series of blackouts to happen regularly to make up for the low water levels at the hydro electric dams in Volta. sigh.
Oh yeah - the baby
Sadie was born on April 17th 2006. she was almost six pounds, and scored a 10/10 on that test they do at birth. Sherrie gave birth with no complications (she laughs when I tell her how easy it was) and our family of five is now doing quite well. Sadie seems to be enjoying her stay in Africa.
Family of six! We got a new puppy - her name's ZiZi (the name came from a book of Amy's and the fact that the dog's mom is named ZaZa) she's half lab half sheppard, but looks like a lab. very cool.

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