Saturday, November 01, 2008

November 1 2008

Well, the movers finally arrived last Wednesday.  They were a very nice couple from Newfoundland who traveled together in their big truck, moving things all across Canada.  After they were done, I insisted that they stay for lunch and made them soup and sandwiches.

Notice the dirt lawn?  Had that done a week ago.  The lawn was sloping towards the house (no good in a drainage sort of way) so we had to have it reshaped.  Unfortunately that meant having dirt until spring, because no one is selling sod at this time of year.  

Halloween was a blast, and the girls enjoyed it very much - first there was the pumpkin carving in the basement, then the halloween parade at school, then getting ready with their friends and going trick or treating (in a group of eight or nine with several parents in tow - I was kind of bummed that the girls had enough and wanted to quit after just one street - we could have had a collosal haul if they were into staying cold and tired... oh well) and then a halloween barn party the next afternoon - what a blast that was!  watching the little kids dancing to monster mash is always a treat.  Here are some more photos:

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