Saturday, November 08, 2008

November 8, 2008

We're nicely settled in now, and just about finished emptying boxes.  The next step is to get the girls involved in some extra curricular activities, other than playing in the basement and watching cartoons.  They all want to go skating but I don't think there are any rinks open yet.  It's cold enough, but that type of weather has just begun.
This week I'm going to look into swimming, gymnastics and brownies as well.

The snow is here now, and it's beautiful.  The girls have really been enjoying it too.  not many new photos, but here are a couple:

A lot of my time is spent with Sadie when the girls are at school and Sherrie's at work.  Here she is, hard at work at her 'office'.  She's pretty stressed out about the economy right now.

Our Halloween display.  Notice the little African clay one?  They don't look like much in the daylight, but they looked great with the candles at night.  
Our Sadie.
This is our house from the front

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