Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is Here

Sadie and I picked up Nana at the airport in Peace River.  Sadie was so happy to see her - she shouted and shouted once she saw her.  It was adorable to everyone around us.

Erin and her class at the Christmas Concert at school.  Sorry, they're blurry.  The video's much better and has Amy singing too.  Erin's the short one in the middle of the back row.

Santa made it to skating class.  Man, that guy is EVERYWHERE!

The girls and I repainted the main bathroom.  This is them drawing the critters on the wall, followed by some of the finished product.  They drew and I painted.  It's basically a winterscape (you can see the mountains in one of the shots) with any animals they wanted to include.  There's a five-legged deer, an eight-legged lion, flying unicorn, alien aeomeba, penguins, and such.  

Sadie and I sometimes stop for a hot beverage on our dates.  This was in the coffee shop in the IGA.  It's a much nicer environment to sit and chat with a two year old than Tim Hortons.

She gets the toy helicopter, then goes and gets the lizard puppet and starts reinacting your favourite monster movie scenes!  She's definitely mine.  I'm so proud!

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