Monday, December 08, 2008


The girls had their first skating lesson today - it was... interesting.
Here's a quick rundown of the highpoints:

  • lots of kids - around thirty or so
  • Amy and Erin were really happy when they got there.  They enjoyed getting their stuff on and saying hi to kids from their classes who take skating too.
  • Sadie had a good time hanging out with me in the bleachers
  • Amy was a natural - Her roller blading in Ghana definitely helped her with the whole balance thing, so she only needed to hold hands with the assistant coaches for the first few minutes, and then she was off and running.
  • Erin wasn't so apt, but definitely showed improvement in a short time.  
  • After the first twenty minutes or so, Amy returned to Sadie and I, crying, in the arms of the head coach.  Someone had skated over her hand after she fell.  It was shock and pain, but overall not too bad.  I asked her later this evening how her hand felt and she said fine.  I gave her a couple of band aids and she went right back out to finish her lessons.
  • Erin came skating up to me a bit later, with that angry look on her face that meant she was fed up.  She said her feet were cold and she wanted to stop.  The coach said that she did fine, seeing as it was her first day, and that there were only fifteen minutes left.  
  • All in all, it was a good experience, and the kids are willing to go back.  
  • Here are some photos:

Erin being escorted by the assistant coaches

Amy with her arms out

They were very happy at the beginning - They were happy to see kids they knew here too.

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