Thursday, January 22, 2009

Photo updates

I'm sure lots is going on, but I thought I'd just sum it up with some new photos.  Enjoy!

Amy making a snowman.  This was taken at Sherrie's colleague's house on Sunday - we had a weenie roast in their backyard.  Seems that most people have fire pits in their backyards and have weenie roasts as social events, kind of like the winter version of a social barbecue that we have in the summer. 

The finished product.  See the mohawk on him?  cool.  (editor's note:  I have no idea why this looks like a hyperlink.  can't seem to make it normal text)

Sherrie shoveling the shnow.  tee hee.  

A beautiful scene at our friend's house.  The girls were playing in the snow just to the right.  I think Amy's in the treehouse too.
There they are!  

Erin in the snow

Do you know about Sadie and sunglasses?  She's got two pairs and most mornings won't go to breakfast without them on.  She finds the lights in the house too harsh when she first gets up, and must have her shades on at breakfast! 

Ok ok no problem figuring who made this snowman.  What can I say?  He's already melting in this photo, his right hand was holding a snow skull originally....

Some more Steve art:  you know that hard snow you have to chip off the driveway?  I thought I'd make something out of it one afternoon.  This is known at our house as 'the obelisk'.  I'm quite proud of it, actually.   It stands about four feet high. 

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