Wednesday, February 04, 2009


The weather was nice enough this weekend for us all to go to our local rink - it's a block away on our street, and has no one on it!  There was one problem with me going skating with everyone - I had to skate.  My mom graciously sent me my dad's old skates and they sort of fit - if I wear enough socks.  I had no idea that my 'new' skates would get such stares in Canadian Tire when I got them sharpened - the girl at the counter even laughed at them!  Well, after about fifteen minutes the laces broke so I just settled for taking pictures.  

Special thanks go to Billy Joe, a colleague of Sherrie's, for the lovely moose that we had in a nice stew.  Mmmmm Moose!

My Obelisk didn't stand that long, as the weather warmed up and it would take an expert iglooist to make something that can last way up here in the northland.  But I haven't given up - Here's a wall I made with more pieces from the driveway (that's the remnants of the obelisk in the background.  It actually looks really cool - like moss-covered ruins in the Irish countryside...)

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