Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Photos:

Amy and Erin had career day at school and got to dress up to show what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Erin's a professional swimmer and Amy's and artiste.

The girls on one of our hikes.  They're spinning and hugging at the same time.

Our next door neighbour's dog, Muskwa, likes playing with Z.  They're best friends.

This photo was taken shortly after 10pm.  Kind of crazy, huh?  Haven't seen 'midnight sun' yet, but I assume it's coming soon...

I've got a new hobby - while out walking Z along the river I like balancing rocks.  There's no trickery involved - it just takes patience.  I have many more photos of my rock balancing and will periodically be posting my favs.  

That's all for now -make sure you check this site out in the future.


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