Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a week!

Ok, big news of the week... AMY CAN RIDE A TWO WHEELER!  This is a very big deal for us as she didn't really get much practice in Ghana.  We're so proud.  I'm so proud.  She worked so hard.  I'm so impressed and proud.  Here are some photos.  

Want some more?  Ok!  These photos are of her riding around the tennis court/skating rink in our neighbourhood.  She's also good at riding on the sidewalk to the playground by herself.  

Sigh.  May 12th we woke up to snow and cold.  It lasted for two days.  Sigh.  

This is Sherrie and the girls at Strong Creek.  Sadie's on my shoulders, so isn't in the shot.  

I've really gotten into walking up the mountain behind our place.  It reminds me of my walks in Hong Kong, but there are more trees.  Here are some of the views from the trails up there.  (Isn't Z cute? He loves hiking too)

Sadie's team got uniforms.  As she just turned 3, Sadie was pretty assertive when choosing her number as the coach handed them out.  She got what she wanted!

Her team played their first, uh, game, sort of, against the grey team.  It was a blast!  They totally had NO idea what they were doing and it was so fun to watch and cheer!  I'm sure I had more fun than Sadie did...

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