Sunday, May 03, 2009


Ever heard of a speeder?  It's a tiny little car that goes on railroad tracks.  I don't think they make them anymore, but there are enthusiasts out there who maintain them and ride them around when they can.  It turns out that our next door neighbours, Lori and Doug, are speeder enthusiasts and invited us to the fairgrounds for a ride.  (They have a track laid at the fairgrounds that they use for giving folks rides at fairs and such).    There are actually speeder clubs and they travel all over North America in them - Doug and Lori showed us photos of a group who they travelled to the Northwest Territories with.  The group were from as far south as Louisianna or somewhere like that - and travelled all this way in little tiny speeders!  Cool.
It was a perfect way to spend a Friday evening with the girls.  

After the ride Doug showed us one of his creations - a car propelled with a bike chain and pedals.  The girls loved it!  Doug has made several cool things including trains and such for his kids.  They're grown up now.

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