Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We're Back!

It's been a lovely summer - ok, the weather wasn't the best, but we still managed to love every minute at the cottage. The summer went entirely too quickly, though, and hopefully we can all stay a bit longer next year. As I was in full cottage mode, I did no blogging while I was back in Ontario. That leaves the herculean task of sorting through all of the photos taken and creating a huge entry that tells the chronology of our visit. NAHHHH! In true Steve fashion, I'll just put up a bunch of photos, in no particular order, and hope you enjoy them. I must point out that my camera/phone was on the bum for about two weeks of our month away, so I'm missing quite a chunk of the holiday. Without further adoo....

The girls were into performing for us this summer. Here they are singing some Abba tunes with Sierra and Sully, two of our visitors (oops - Sully's not in the shot)

Always a highlight is when Lianne and Chris and Jamey and Kathryn are up at the cottage, and the kids can go tubing and skiing and SeaDooing. Here they are with Lianne:

Cousing Kathryn. Beautiful photo of a beautiful girl:

Our first batch of guests were our former colleagues from Ghana. Some of them don't live in Ghana anymore, like us, but we still call them the Ghana crew. In this photo Sherrie's brother Paul has taken many of them up to Bluff Point at the cottage. It has a spectacular view.

Amy showed some of the Ghana Crew around the woods on a nature hike:

The Ghana Crew. (most of them - Morgan and Jenn had left already)

Amy and Z

Johnny with a garter snake:


Sadie on the SeaDoo with Uncle Chris:

Me and Morgan jamming in the kitchen:

Kwadwo (pronounced Kwayjo) at the archery range:

My first Ontario rock balance.

Uncle Ted with his Jack Russel named Tess.

Saide and cousin Kori

A bucket 'o' frogs - about half an hour's work for five kids.

typical scene - busy dock

The best frog and minnow catcher in the family:

Sadie's driving the boat!

Kim and Dan and Sully and Amy and Sherrie (Sierra, Sadie and Erin are out of view) on our way to the jumping rocks:

Amy's best friend, Fiona, visited from Vermont:

The girls with Auntie Maria:

Sherrie playing my new Ukulele - I'm loving that thing!

The girls in Ottawa:

Visiting Great Granny in Ottawa:

All of the Kos kids, including baby Samantha:

Claire and Amy after swimming:

Sadie at the Dier farm, watching cows:

The girls back in Alberta, on a hike this past Sunday:

Now I know I've missed many many good times from the summer - Like I said, my camera was busted. To all of those we saw and spent time with, thanks for the memories, and I apologize for not getting your photos up. I'll make it up to you next summer.
I'll be back to my (semi) weekly posting now, so stay tuned.

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