Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Back to School...

And back to the routines. Erin seems to be enjoying going for full days, and Sadie and I have been okay on our own for the afternoons. Here's the news:

Amy and Erin on the first day of school, about to go to the bus. It's so much easier without snowpants et al....

In an effort to get Sadie and Erin to enjoy burgers more, I had them make tiny ones with me and we used small dinner rolls. Sherrie and Amy cut the cheese into cute shapes using cookie cutters too - clever idea Sherrie!

Amy had a very nice eighth birthday party. It was at the park by our house, and lots of kids from around the area came, as well as a few from her class.

One of the things we've been doing a lot of is going down to the river to swim and play. The mud is a big hit with the kids!
The girls in Dunvegan, on the way to Grand Prarie. Beautiful scenery. For more information on Dunvegan, click here: Dunvegan, Alberta

Oh yeah - We finally have a lawn! We had the sod put in shortly after returning to Peace River. It's taken very well and is the most lush green lawn around. We're so proud.

Erin got her ears pierced too! She was so brave.

This is the only photo of the doghouse I have right now - I'll be sure to put up a photo of the finished house once I get one. It's quite big and ready for the cold weather - Thanks for the free cedar Jake! It has four inch studs, fiberglass insulation in the ceiling and walls, styrofoam in the floor, Cedar shingles and a heat lamp in the second room. Sheesh!

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