Monday, November 23, 2009

Well, I guess hiking is the topic of this posting, for the most part. We do a lot of it here, as there are so many places to walk. Here are some shots of some past hikes we've been on lately:
(oh, by the way - turns out that some/many of the photos don't actually enlarge when you click on them. My apologies. Sometimes they do, though.)

Here are the girls playing nicely together in the kitchen. They're so sweet.
We went to a family pot luck dinner at the Parent Link (that's the name for the government - subsidized drop in center for kids and parents. Sadie and I go on Tuesdays sometimes.) This is Sherrie participating in one of the games.

Oh - this one should be in the hiking photos. Its the girls at our secret spot - a tiny pond they like to slide and skate around on.
This is Doug. He's a welder and a blacksmith, who's helping me make a new parang (look it up.) He's an amazing artist and creator who's being very generous with his time and facilities. I'll be sure and put up photos of the finished thing once it's done.

This is neat - it's one of our many weenie/marshmallow roasts by the river, but you'll notice that neither person is from our family! We were having one with Erin's friend the other day (that's her in the pink) and our next door neighbours walked by! So we invited them too - it was a nice party.
Not tons today, but the next week is sure to get some good shots - Amy and Erin will be marching in the Christmas parade, the festival of lights is this weekend, and I'm sure I'll find some other stuff to shoot.

Take care, talk to you soon.

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