Sunday, December 06, 2009


Hi everybody! Here's the news:

Paul was here! He came for a week and we had a great time. As it was a school week, it was pretty mellow; He basically hung with Sadie and I in the daytime, and then saw the girls after school. Unfortunately Sherrie was away from Wednesday to Friday, but they did get to see each other for the first few days. Paul also got along with Z quite well and took him for many walks. We did some hiking, had a marshmallow roast with him, played games, and ate some nice meals with Uncle Buck. Oh - he totally got into playing video games while he was here too. I couldn't convince him to buy an xbox though.

We went to the Santa Claus Parade last week - it wasn't as cold as last year's and Amy and Erin were marching this year with the Girl Guides! After the parade, everyone went to the park for the lighting of the park ceremony and free hot dogs and hot chocolate. It was lovely - all of the kids were playing on the rink (in their boots, not skates) and then there were fireworks over the river. Sorry, no photos of the fireworks.

This is my friend Shane skinning a deer in his garage. That's his daughter, Rhylan, watching. I 'helped' a bit, but I think I was more there for some male company while he talked about hunting.

This is Sadie shooing the birds away. She apparently doesn't like them eating our berries! It was a blast watching her, and seeing how angry she got at them. She was like an old woman! She was successful for about ten minutes, then they came back. Paul and I were laughing pretty hard watching all of this go down.

Sadie and I are into baking shortbread Christmas Cookies now - This is a big deal for me, as I'm usually not much of a baker. It's fun! I love putting the candy sprinkles on them before they go into the oven, but our favourite part is definitely eating them. Yummmmm!

The girls are still enjoying gymnastics. They really enjoy the various activities and drills, and I really enjoy not having to put on their skates every week.

That's all for now - Lots to come though, Stay tuned!

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